Admonition XXII: Correction
Blessed is the servant who endures discipline, accusation, and reprimand from another as patiently as he would from himself. Blessed is the servant who, after being reprimanded, agrees courteously, submits respectfully, admits humbly, and makes amends willingly. Blessed is the servant who is not quick to excuse himself, and endures with humility, shame, and reprimand for a sin, when he did not commit the fault.' Francis gave advice similar to this to Brother Leo in a form that has become widely known. Once while Brother Leo and Francis were walking from Perugia to Assisi in wintertime, Leo asked Francis to tell him in what does perfect joy consist? Francis' reply was in the form of a story. Imagine, Brother Leo, Francis said, that on this cold day we arrive eventually at our house and ring the bell. When the door is opened by one of our brothers he does not recognize us but drives us away with curses and blows. We are turned back into the wintry night. Desperate, we ring the bell again but the result is the same. Francis then said to Leo: 'O Brother Leo, write that here and in this is perfect joy.' Why would Francis call this perfect joy? The reason he gave to Brother Leo was that we cannot rejoice in our gifts since they are not ours but God's. But what we have to do is glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus as the Apostle says: May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ [Gal 6:14].